WELCOME TO WIBREPioneers in IP68-Lighting

Professional lighting for underwater and outdoor areas.
Made in Germany. Since 1919.

Recessed Spotlights Underwater

Spotlight for all types and sizes of pools.

Surface Spotlights Exterior | Underwater

Light for fountains, bridges and water games.

Recessed Spotlights Exterior

Lighting for buildings, architecture and landscape.


Seeing and hearing under water.


SwissBad 2024

Regensdorf, Stand 204 - 13.11.2024 - 14.11.2024

Piscine 2024

Eurexpo Lyon, Stand 5C14 - 19.11.2024 - 22.11.2024

Light 24

BDC London, Stand 28 - 20.11.2024 - 21.11.2024

REFERENCES Current Projects


The fourth-highest hotel in the world, and probably the most luxurious one, was extended with another attraction. A new pool landscape on a floating platform now extends in front of the hotel to the sea. The four pools are spectacularly illuminated with different spotlights.

PÖCHLARN TOWN SQUAREOld town and modernity in transition

A striking design element for this urban redevelopment is the line light 4.1010. It contributes to the modern transition of the old town with the effective orientation lighting. To highlight the town church, tried and tested built-in spotlights 4.0098 with 70 Watt HIT were used.

Place de la Navigationcoloured fountains in Lausanne

Located directly on Lake Geneva in French-speaking Switzerland, the city of Lausanne is one of the largest municipalities in Switzerland. The "Place de la Navigation" with a large fountain is not far from the Olympic Museum. Each individual fountain is illuminated with a surface-mounted spotlight. The square with this lively lighting has become a magnet for visitors.



As a leading manufacturer of outdoor and underwater lighting, we can offer you a comprehensive range of recessed and surface-mounted spotlights for your lighting projects. The spotlights are developed and manufactured exclusively in Germany, at the company headquarters in Baden-Württemberg. With the use of V4A stainless steel, state-of-the-art LED technology with IP68 protection class and precise manufacturing, we offer premium quality and ensure long life of the spotlights.

The product variety includes suitable spotlights for almost any application under and above water. This starts with small miniature spotlights and ends with large spotlights for competition pools. Pools, fountains, buildings, bridges, parks and much more all over the world have been illuminated with these.

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