Lighting concept for the wellness area Service News

A well thought-out lighting design from the very beginning

The own spa area, whether with indoor or outdoor pool, should create a feeling of well-being. From the very first minute, it should be an oasis for slowing down and relaxing. Therefore, it is worth designing this special retreat to suit your own wishes and needs. Thus, every spa area looks individual and personal - just as everyone feels comfortable. One of the most important elements for any pool area is the right lighting concept. This makes the spa area oasis, in the truest sense of the word, a relaxation highlight above, and especially, under water. Properly used lighting is demonstrably one of the most important factors for the relaxation of body and mind. In the pool, light meets water - the interplay of the elements is the perfect combination for absolute deep relaxation.

When creating a new spa area, the topic of light should play an essential role from the very beginning during the planning process. This is how you create optimal and atmospheric lighting. But even afterwards, there are a variety of ways to enhance the pool and outdoor area with light.

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Einblicke in die Produktion bei WIBRE

Pool as a central lighting element

The pool is the focal point of the spa area, so you should also give the water the central attention in the lighting concept. You have the possibility to illuminate the pool completely, with two or three spotlights, depending on the pool size. The entire water surface then radiates homogeneously and powerfully. This invites you to swim and relax. This variant is the most common way to illuminate a swimming pool. However, accent lighting in the pool is also attractive and individual. With several small, narrow-beam spotlights, you can create spectacular light shows. Accenting the entrance area along the steps, for example, is a popular design feature. As a general rule, the best positioning for spotlights is along the long side of the pool, radiating away from the terrace. This way, there is no glare while you are relaxing on the sun lounger.

Decisive for the mood: the light colour

An important decision when planning the lighting concept is the choice of light colour. White is not just white here. If you want monochromatic lighting, you have to choose the shade of white based on the pool surface. In a pool with a blue finish, cool white or neutral white light creates the best effect. The natural pool or a pool with natural tones looks particularly atmospheric in a warm white light. Stainless steel pools are more suited to neutral or cold white. Another and exciting approach is to illuminate the pool in colour. With RGB-W spotlights, you are given limitless possibilities. For a relaxing evening for two, the water shines in a warm orange, for the pool party, the light dances to the music in a wide variety of colours, and the water glowing turquoise blue brings beach feeling to your home.

Well-being above water

Outside the water, the lighting concept should continue. Create many small light sources throughout the area in harmony with the underwater lighting. Small recessed lights around the pool highlight it and the indirectly lit pathway saunters the walkway to it.

A cleverly thought-out lighting concept is crucial for the entire spa area and in the end contributes considerably to relaxation.

Benjamin Pfendt, WIBRE

Seit 1919 Produktion in Deutschland
Moderne Fertigung und Entwicklung

The way to the right lighting concept

Whether you are currently planning your pool or are already in the middle of it, contact us. WIBRE advises you in all questions concerning the topic of pool and light. We help you to illuminate your pool optimally and safely, coordinated according to your ideas. And if you wish, we can put you in touch with competent and professional lighting designers from our network. Ask us and nothing will stand in the way of your wellness oasis.




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